We ship worldwide via sales partners or directly
Australia | |
Lastek Pty Ltd
10 Reid St Thebarton SA 5031 AUSTRALIA |
Phone: +61-8-84438-668 Fax: +61-8-84438-427 Email: sales@lastek.com.au Web: http://www.lastek.com.au |
New Zealand | |
Lastek Pty Ltd
10 Reid St Thebarton SA 5031 AUSTRALIA |
Phone: +61-8-84438-668 Fax: +61-8-84438-427 Email: sales@lastek.com.au Web: lastek.com.au |
China | |
Beiing Light-quantum Technology Co.,Ltd. Room 4011, 4th Floor, Jinyanlong Office Building South Huangtunandiancun Huilongguan Town, Changping District Beijing P.R. CHINA 100096 |
Phone: +86-10-82900415
(Beijing Headquarters) Phone: +86-571-87699802 (Hangzhou Branch) Email: sales@light-quantum.cn Web: www.light-quantum.cn |
Shenzhen Bonad Instrument Co.,Ltd. Add: C505 Hongdu Building 45 district, Baoan Shenzhen City 518100, P.R. China |
Mobile/Wechat: +86 13528837771 Phone: +86 0755-27337191 Email: bnd@szbonad.com Web: http://www.bonad17.com |
Hong Kong Bonad Technology Ltd. Add: UNIT 2, 22/F., RICHMOND COMM. BLDG. 109 ARGYLE STREET MONGKOK, KOWLOON Hong Kong |
Mobile/Wechat: +86 13528837771 Phone: +86 0755-27337191 Email: bnd@szbonad.com Web: http://www.bonad17.com |
Room 402, Opto-Electronics Professional Incubator Building No. 77 Science And Technology 2nd Road 710065 Xi`an, Shaanxi Province P.R. CHINA |
Phone: +86-29-8845-2561 Fax: +86-29-8845-2563 Email: sales@chunqiu-tech.com Web: www.chunqiu-tech.com |
Germany | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |
Netherlands | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |
Belgium | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |
Austria | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |
Switzerland | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |
Denmark | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Finland | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Norway | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Sweden | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Estonia | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Latvia | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
Lithuania | |
Gammadata Instrument AB Vallongatan 1 SE-752 16 Uppsala SWEDEN |
Phone: +46-18-566-800 Fax: +46-18-566-888 Email: sales@gammadata.se Web: www.gammadata.se |
France | |
Acal BFi France S.A.S.
4, Allée du Cantal ZI La Petite Montagne Sud CE 1834 Lisses 91018 Evry Cedex FRANCE |
Phone: +33-1-6079-5906 Fax: +33-1-6079-8901 Email: Anne.Stiegler@acalbfi.fr Web: www.acalbfi.fr |
Laser Components S.A.S. 45 To Route des Gardes 92190 Meudon FRANCE |
Phone: +33-1-3959-5225 Fax: +33-1-3959-5350 Email: serviceclient@lasercomponents.fr Web: www.lasercomponents.com/fr |
India | |
New Age Instruments & Materials Pvt. Ltd. 1261 Sector-4, Urban Estate Gurgaon-122001, Haryana INDIA |
Phone: +91-124-4086513-16 Fax: +91-11-66173680 Email: sales@newagein.com Web: www.newagein.com |
Electronic Enterprises (India) Pvt. Ltd.
216, Regal Industrial Estate Acharya Donde Marg, Sewree Mumbai 400 015 INDIA |
Phone: +91-22-2413-7096 Fax: +91-22-2413-3341 Email: sales@eeipl.in Web: www.eeipl.in |
Israel | |
Lahat Technologies Ltd.
Greenwork Yakum Building A P.O.BOX 21 Yakum 6097200 ISRAEL |
Phone: +972-9-7646200 Fax: +972-9-7646204 Email: sales@lahat.com Web: www.lahat.com |
Italy | |
Importec/EOT Via Roma 3 33070 Polcenigo (PN) ITALY |
Phone: +39-0434-740-72 Fax: +39-0434-749-002 Email: eot@eot.it Web: www.eot.it |
Japan | |
Opto Science Inc. Naitocho Bldg. 1, Naitocho Shinjuku-ku 160-0014 Tokyo JAPAN |
Phone: +81-3-3356-1064 Fax: +81-3-3356-3466 Email: info@optoscience.com Web: www.optoscience.com |
Luminex Trading Inc. Avenue-Otowa 2-2-2 Otawa Bunkyo-ku 112-0013 Tokyo JAPAN |
Phone: +81-3-5395-2722 Fax: +81-3-5395-2721 Email: sales@luminex.co.jp Web: www.luminex.co.jp |
Science Laboratories Inc. 7-10-25 Koganehara Matsudo, Chiba 270-0021 JAPAN |
Phone: +81-47-309-8311 Fax: +81-47-309-8310 Email: support@scilab.co.jp Web: www.scilab.co.jp |
Optronscience, Inc. Kei Building 3-21-8 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku 113-0033 Tokyo JAPAN |
Phone: +81-3-5800-1341 Fax: +81-3-5800-1342 Email: yoshik@opt-ron.com Web: www.opt-ron.com |
South Korea | |
CanaanKorea Co, Ltd
RM1103 Daehyuntechnoworld Ojungongupgil 19 Uiwang KOREA 16072 |
Phone: +82-31-429-5315 Fax: +82-31-624-4315 Email: jeno153@gmail.com Web: www.analogtest.co.kr |
Wavenix Co, Ltd.
516, Sebang Globalcity 1595, Kwanyang 431-060 Anyang, Kyunggi-Do KOREA |
Phone: +82-31-388-8150 Fax: +82-31-388-8152 Email: woody@wavenix.com Web: www.femto.wavenix.kr/ |
Kumnong Engineering
Cranz Techno #1015, Dunchondaero 388 Jungwonku 13403 Seongnam City, Kyunggido KOREA |
Phone: +82-31-756-7320 Mobile: : +82-10-2773-3013 Fax: +82-31-758-4998 e-mail: info@kumnong.co.kr Web: www.testnetwork.co.kr |
Malaysia | |
OPT PLUSV Sdn Bhd H49-2, Jalan 5, Cosmoplex Ind. Park BBST - Sepang 43900 Selangor MALAYSIA |
Phone: +60-3-8706-6806 Fax: +60-3-8706-6809 Email: sales@optocom.com.my Web: www.optocom.com.my |
Thailand | |
OptoCom InstruVentures H49-2, Jalan 5, Cosmoplex Ind. Park BBST - Sepang 43900 Selangor MALAYSIA |
Phone: +60-3-8706-6806 Fax: +60-3-8706-6809 Email: sales@optocom.com.my Web: www.optocom.com.my |
Indonesia | |
OptoCom InstruVentures H49-2, Jalan 5, Cosmoplex Ind. Park BBST - Sepang 43900 Selangor MALAYSIA |
Phone: +60-3-8706-6806 Fax: +60-3-8706-6809 Email: sales@optocom.com.my Web: www.optocom.com.my |
Vietnam | |
OptoCom InstruVentures H49-2, Jalan 5, Cosmoplex Ind. Park BBST - Sepang 43900 Selangor MALAYSIA |
Phone: +60-3-8706-6806 Fax: +60-3-8706-6809 Email: sales@optocom.com.my Web: www.optocom.com.my |
Poland | |
Tespol Sp. z o.o. ul. Klecińska 125 54-413 Wrocław POLAND |
Phone: +48 71 7836360 Fax: +48 71 7836361 Email: tespol@tespol.com.pl Web: www.tespol.com.pl |
Singapore | |
Analytical Technologies Pte Ltd 50 Ubi Avenue 3 #05-08 Frontier 408866 Singapore SINGAPORE |
Phone: +65-6746-8068 Fax: +65-6746-0661 Email: Singapore@analytical-online.com Web: www.analytical-online.com |
Spain | |
Instrumentos de Medida, S.L. Septiembre 31 28022 Madrid SPAIN |
Phone: +34-91-300-0191 Fax: +34-91-388-5433 Email: idm@idm-instrumentos.es Web: www.idm-instrumentos.es |
Portugal | |
Instrumentos de Medida, S.L. Septiembre 31 28022 Madrid SPAIN |
Phone: +34-91-300-0191 Fax: +34-91-388-5433 Email: idm@idm-instrumentos.es Web: www.idm-instrumentos.es |
Taiwan | |
Toptical Scientific Corp. 7F-2 No. 421 Sungshan Road 11083 Taipei TAIWAN R.O.C. |
Phone: +886-2-2346-1510 Fax: +886-2-2346-1520 Email: sales@toptical.com.tw Web: www.toptical.com.tw |
Czech Republic | |
Klanova 56 14700 Prague 4 CZECH REPUBLIC |
Phone: +42-02-4171-2548 Fax: +42-02-4171-0252 Email: info@mit-laser.cz Web: www.mit-laser.cz |
Slovakia | |
Klanova 56 14700 Prague 4 CZECH REPUBLIC |
Phone: +42-02-4171-2548 Fax: +42-02-4171-0252 Email: info@mit-laser.cz Web: www.mit-laser.cz |
USA | |
COMPONENTS, INC. 5464 Skylane Blvd Suite D Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA |
Phone: +1-707-568-1642 Fax: +1-707-568-1652 Email: sales@eoc-inc.com Web: www.eoc-inc.com |
Canada | |
COMPONENTS, INC. 5464 Skylane Blvd Suite D Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA |
Phone: +1-707-568-1642 Fax: +1-707-568-1652 Email: sales@eoc-inc.com Web: www.eoc-inc.com |
United Kingdom | |
Laser Components (UK) Ltd. Goldlay House, 114 Parkway Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 7PR UK |
Phone: +44-1245-491-499 Fax: +44-1245-491-801 Email: info@lasercomponents.co.uk Web: www.lasercomponents.co.uk |
Greece and Cyprus | |
Netscope Solutions 4 Lachana street New Philadelphia 14342 Greece |
Phone: +30 210 2724107 Fax: +30 210 2711999 Email: netscope@netscope.gr Web: www.netscope.gr |
All other countries | |
FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH
Klosterstraße 64 10179 Berlin GERMANY |
Phone: +49-30-280 4711-0 Fax: +49-30-280 4711-11 Email: info@femto.de Web: www.femto.de |